Enjoy your class!
Please make sure you have REGISTERED with Village Yoga
before signing up for or attending a class.

To ENSURE your spot you MUST sign up for class online.
If you arrive as a Walk In you may or may not get in to class
(applies especially to 6PMs, Noons, 10AMs F/S/S)
You must CANCEL 1/2 hour before class starts to avoid a FEE.
Class Pack holders: the class is deducted from your Class Pack
Drop Ins lose their drop in
Unlimited Membership holders will be charged $20
If you LATE CANCEL within the 1/2 hour,
chances are you will not be charged if the class isn't full.
Regardless of when you cancel - YOU MUST CANCEL - this allows us to give your spot away & confirms you were not there.
This will also allow you to sign up for another class that day.
You may sign up for classes 7 days in advance.
There are 10 wait list spots. You will be notified by text.
You MUST opt into TEXT notifications &
you MUST REPLY Y or N once you have been added to the class from the waitlist to hold your spot!
We highly recommend downloading
Mindbody: Fitness from the APP store!
Find Village Yoga Santa Cruz - make it a favorite -
and it is SOOO easy to book & cancel classes!
To CANCEL on the APP:
Hit on the class you booked & hit the cancel button on the bottom left.
Here are some troubleshooting tips:
Make sure your MBO account is linked to Village Yoga so you can easily sign up for & cancel classes
Make sure your phone number is updated in your MBO account to receive the wait list notifications that add you to the class.
Make sure you have agreed to receive notifications from us- CHOOSE TEXT.
Familiarize yourself with how to cancel your class.
Access your MBO account to CANCEL -Log In- Find MY CLASSES tab